Radio Vaticana

At Cesano, in the suburbs of Rome, there is one of the world’ biggest radio transmitters: Radio Vaticana. On over 400 hectares, dozens of antennae make it possible to transmit everywhere on the planet. Fenced in and under high surveillance, Radio Vaticana’s antennae have received special attention. Indeed, the station which was created by Marconi himself, has for a long time received criticism from activists and been the target of acts of eco-terrorism. Its director, Cardinal Roberto Tucci, was even convicted by the courts for non-compliance with Italian telecommunication regulations.

It is unlikely that these controversies will spell the end of the Cesano transmitters. In fact, the pope himself recently set up a commission to reform the Vatican’s media. Since communication via radio waves has become obsolete in the era of the internet, the possibility of shutting the station has already been considered.

I filmed this video in Rome and Cesano around the antennae installation field. The soundtrack is made up of audio recordings of the many Radio Vaticana stations.

Produced by the Galerie de l'UQAM, as part of the Electrosmog project, curated by Louise Déry at RAM Radioartemobile in Rome, May 2014.

Abbattute le prime antenne di Radio Vaticana: esultano i cittadini di Cesano
Vatican Radio officials convicted
Le pape nomme une commission pour réformer les médias du Vatican

Radio Vaticana

Radio Vaticana, 2014

Radio Vaticana

Radio Vaticana, 2014

Radio Vaticana

Radio Vaticana, 2014